

Life Hacks

Life Hacks for Moms Juggling Work and Family

I want to emphasize that every mom is a busy working mom, regardless of whether they work outside the home or stay at home. Yet, moms who work outside often encounter distinct challenges. These easy hacks are aimed at assisting busy working moms, offering new strategies and efficiencies for their routines.

You might already be implementing many of these hacks, but it’s always exciting to refresh and possibly discover newer, more effective approaches to managing tasks. So, let’s dive in and explore some straightforward hacks for busy working moms.

1. Order Your Groceries Online

Until recently, my routine involved heading to the supermarket almost every afternoon after a long day at work, intending to grab just a few items. But truthfully, it was never just a few things!

Then, someone introduced me to Click and Collect, and it completely transformed my life! It’s not an exaggeration. Now, I place my grocery orders online and select a convenient pickup time slot. Typically, I swing by the supermarket around 4 pm after work to collect my groceries on my way home.

This service is FREE! My items are selected for me and neatly bagged, ready for pickup in-store. It has significantly curbed my impulse buying tendencies. Additionally, it simplifies meal planning and helps me adhere to a shopping list. I save time, energy, and money.

Take advantage of such services. Besides home delivery, some stores offer direct-to-trunk service, where groceries are placed directly into your car. Unfortunately, our local supermarket doesn’t offer that yet, but I’ll definitely utilize it if they ever do.

2. Freeze Meals

I enjoy preparing extra servings of meals to freeze for later use. For instance, when making lasagna, I’ll prepare two batches and freeze one. This practice significantly simplifies life, especially during hectic evenings when rushing to after-school activities with the kids.

I reserve these meals for occasions when I anticipate arriving home late, like attending an after-work staff meeting. The night before, I retrieve the frozen meal and allow it to safely defrost in the fridge throughout the day. This way, when I return home, I can simply pop it into the oven without any hassle.

3. Have A Good Morning Routine

Rising early in the morning poses a significant challenge for me. I’m not naturally a cheerful, energetic morning person. However, to manage all the household chores, I’ve ingrained the habit of waking up at least an hour before everyone else. It’s definitely a struggle!

4. Pack Lunches The Night Before

I understand that after the hustle of the afternoon and evening, the idea of more food prep post-dinner isn’t appealing. However, it’s incredibly beneficial as it significantly eases the morning rush. Having pre-made lunches ready in the fridge allows everyone to grab them before heading to school or work.

Getting lunches ready the night before allows you to delegate this as an evening task where family members can contribute and swiftly get it done.

5. Use A Slow Cooker

My trusty slow cooker was a lifesaver, especially during my kids’ younger years. I’d toss all the ingredients into it in the morning and set it to cook. When we returned home, dinner was ready! Slow cooker meals are ideal for hectic weeknights.

6. Do Laundry The Night Before

To prevent the laundry from piling up, run a load of washing before bedtime, ensuring it’s ready to be hung out or dried in the morning.

Certain washing machines offer a timer feature, which is incredibly useful. By scheduling the machine to start an hour before you typically wake up, the laundry will be ready for you or another family member to manage, either by hanging it out or transferring it to the dryer first thing in the morning.

Upon returning home, establish a routine of promptly folding and putting away laundry, completing the task without delay. Turning laundry into a daily chore ensures that you won’t be faced with a daunting mountain of it to tackle over the weekend.

7. Prepare The Clothes You Are Going To Wear In Advance

This tip applies to both your own attire and everyone else’s in the family. Planning out clothes, even down to socks and shoes, the night before eliminates the morning rush to locate specific items.

By preparing clothes ahead, it becomes simpler to remember essential details, like whether your child needs to wear a sports uniform the next day. It’s far more convenient than realizing it in the morning and scrambling to gather all the necessary pieces in a frantic rush.

8. Stick To A Weekday Cleaning Schedule

This hack is my ultimate time-saver. I really dislike saving all the cleaning for the weekends. Instead, I dedicate some time to cleaning every weekday. I aim to tackle most of it from Monday to Friday, giving myself the rewarding freedom of weekends. Of course, there’s usually something to do even on weekends, but thanks to a week of cleaning, that won’t include house chores.

9. Meal Plan

Planning meals is undoubtedly the ultimate solution to the perpetual “What’s for dinner tonight?” query. Try incorporating a routine where you set aside specific time during the week to plan your meals. This practice ensures you’ll never feel flustered or stare into the fridge desperately seeking dinner inspiration.

After finalizing your meal plans, proceed to place an online grocery order. Not only does this save time, but it also helps cut expenses by purchasing only what’s necessary.

To keep everyone informed, display the meal plan prominently in the kitchen. This way, all family members can easily see the dinner arrangements.

10. Be Kind To Yourself

Let’s keep in mind that we’re doing our best, and it’s important not to be too tough on ourselves when things don’t go as planned. Perfection isn’t attainable, and sometimes, letting out emotions, even with a good cry in the shower, can be cathartic. Take care of yourself by eating well, getting enough rest, and staying hydrated.

It’s crucial to plan moments to look forward to. Whether it’s a date night with your partner, a shopping spree with a friend, or a few hours dedicated to something you love doing alone, make time for it. Remember, don’t let guilt spoil the fun.